The International Enforcement Law Reporter

The International Enforcement Law Reporter is a monthly print and online journal covering news and trends in international enforcement law.

Since September 1985, the International Enforcement Law Reporter has analyzed the premier developments in both the substantive and procedural aspects of international enforcement law. Read by practitioners, academics, and politicians, the IELR is a valuable guide to the difficult and dynamic field of international law.

Bruce Zagaris will speak at the OAS Permanent Council's discussion on “Unfair Practices in Financial Services” in the Hemisphere as an Expert Panelist

On Wednesday March 30, 2016 at 10:00 am EDT in the Simon Bolivar Hall, Bruce Zagaris will participate in the Organization of American States Permanent Council's discussion on “Unfair Practices in Financial Services” in the Hemisphere as one of three expert panelists. 

EU Considers More North Korean Sanctions After U.N. Vote

Following the approval of harsh new sanctions by the U.N. Security Council, the European Union is considering taking additional measures against North Korea in a demonstration of solidarity with South Korea and Japan, two of its major trading partners.  According to one EU diplomat involved in the discussion of further measures, the European Union is "...supporting [its] allies Japan and South Korea, who are directly threatened by North Korea's aggression".

Europol Supports Europe-Wide Crackdown on Cocaine-Trafficking Balkan Organized Crime Group

As Europol reported on March 1, the Croatian police have arrested 13 suspects belonging to a Balkan Organized Crime Group that was responsible for importing large amounts of cocaine from South America to Europe by way of the Netherlands.  The investigation that led to the arrests was known as Operation DANUBE.

Spanish Unit of Chinese Bank Is Raided

The Spanish police raided the Madrid subsidiary of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China on Wednesday and arrested five of the subsidiary's directors.  The bank, one of China's largest, has been accused of helping several Chinese and Spanish criminal syndicates commit financial fraud, according to Europol, the police agency of the European Union.

Wanted by U.S.: The Stolen Millions of Despots and Crooked Elites

Today the New York Times published an article about the challenges in recovering stolen assets in the U.S. and abroad under the Department of Justice's Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative.

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Secretary Jeh C. Johnson, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, delivers his final State of Homeland Security address, entitled “DHS: Progress in 2015, Goals for 2016.”

On February 11, Secretary Jeh Johnson delivered his final State of Homeland Security address, entitled “DHS: Progress in 2015, Goals for 2016" at the Woodrow Wilson Center.


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CWRU School of Law to Offer New Executive Master's Degree in Financial Integrity Along With the Creation of Its New Financial Integrity Institute

The Case Western Reserve University School of Law is introducing an Executive Master of Arts in Financial Integrity (MAFI) program, which will begin in the fall of 2016.  The program was created in response to demands by financial institutions and government agencies for superior compliance experts in the areas of countering money laundering, the financing of terrorism, and the evasion of financial sanctions.

Reps. Maloney, King and Senator Whitehouse Introduce Bills to Stop Anonymous Money Laundering Operations by Requiring Disclosure of Shell Corporation Beneficial Owners

On February 3, Representatives Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY-12) and Peter King (R-NY-2) reintroduced their legislation in the House of Representatives to make it obligatory for a corporation to disclose its beneficial owner.  This action follows the activist organization Global Witness' publication last week of a groundbreaking investigation that demonstrated that disclosure laws in the United States are easily manipulated and exploited.

Money-Laundering Sting Targets Property Owners

The activist organization Global Witness released a report on January 31st that stated that three New York real estate lawyers had been recorded giving advice on how to move suspect money into the United States. Global Witness' report is the product of an undercover investigation that this nonprofit organization carried out as part of its push for stricter money-laundering rules. According to Global Witness spokeswoman Stefanie Ostfeld, it "...wasn't hard to find lawyers to suggest ways to move suspect funds into the United States".

'Affluenza' Teen May Move to Adult Jail

Ethan Couch, the Texan teenager who used an "affluenza" defense in a drunk-driving crash that killed four people, is currently being held in a juvenile detention center in Texas.  Couch was arrested on December 28 after he and his mother fled to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico in an attempt to avoid the consequences of violating the terms of his probation.  These terms do not allow him to consume alcohol or to leave the United States.


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